mardi 19 août 2014

Top 5: tourists, kings of the world

5 - Make yourself the price of your hotel room
Between July 21 and August 10, 5 Parisian hotels have offered their customers to assess the price of the night, under certain conditions. According to hoteliers, customers who participated in this operation have proposed amounts to about 15% lower than the original price. Hotels could repeat the experience.
4 - The smartphone replaces the keys of hotel

By the end of 2016, 4,200 institutions of Hilton Group will be equipped with locks connected. Customers will no longer need to queue. The system would operate a random code sent to the phone. The application will also allow customers to choose their room, in addition to be able to register (check-in / check-out). Today, tourists can already carry register via tablets available to them in all Hilton hotels in the United States.
3 - The GPS shows you the best way

Instead of the shortest path, you'll soon take the most beautiful. A Spanish team of Yahoo! has created an intelligent algorithm to determine what is the best way. To establish the route, they used pictures from Google Street View and advices. Two experiments were performed in London (England) and Boston (USA). They have proved inconclusive. An application should soon emerge.
2 - They go around the world

Two round the world have marked us this summer. A 27 year old Moroccan was challenged to rally the 5 continents by swimming. The first leg of his tour began on 20 July. Hassan Baraka connected Asia to Europe via the Bosphorus Strait. This month, it will connect Alaska to Russia, before swimming between Asia and Oceania and between Africa and Asia. For their part, five Britons began on July 12, their world tour by bicycle with the father of one of them, suffering from multiple sclerosis for over 20 years. Their arrival is in Nice in July 2015.
1 - The World sees Brazil

2014 was the year of Brazil. More than 1 million foreign tourists came to Brazil during the World Cup football. In all, 16.7 million people were transported across the country. According to a survey, "95% of surveyed foreign tourists there would one day return to Brazil." Recall that Brazil will host another major event. The Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

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